Sunday, September 25, 2016

Back to School Night

Back to School Night was a big success!  Thank you parents and family members for coming out.  If you didn't make it or need a refresher, these are the bullet points we discussed! 

*Homework:  Book Bags will be the only homework for second graders.  Please be sure your child reads at least 20 minutes daily! (See procedure for book bags below on Sept. 18th post. 

*Stickers on completed work - If it has a sticker keep or recycle.  Incomplete work without a sticker should be returned to school once the work has been completed.

* BEST way to reach me is by email:
I rarely have time to get to the phone to return calls.  AVOID trying to catch me in the classroom before school.  That is my preparation time I need to get geared up for the day. It is important to respect this so I can bring my "A game" for your children!

Before school routine:  Children may drop off their backpacks outside the classroom door prior to having breakfast or heading outside to the playground.

Rewards – Class rewards (marbles in the jar) and dojo rewards are positive reinforcements used in the classroom as a classroom management system.

Birthday treats are welcome but PLEASE remember NO TREE NUTS are allowed in the room due to allergies.  ALSO PLEASE email me in advance so we can plan ahead for the treats.  Healthy snack is provided for the children each morning.

Changes in afterschool plans – after 12:30 PM leave a message with the office or on voice mail.

Attendance is important but keep ill children home.  Please be sure to get your child to school on time as we have important morning work and meeting activities that you don’t want your child to miss!

Math practice at home – 10 facts, doubles, addition and subtraction within 20 fluently, coins- names and values, clocks to the ½ hour.

Chapter Books We Read - Charlie and Choc. Factory, Because of Winn Dixie, Harry Potter and Sorcerer Stone, Poppy, Granny Torelli Makes Soup

News from the class will be posted here!  Check back frequently.

Pinwheels for Peace Event

Pinwheels for Peace line the driveway and front garden at Academy School.  Our second graders made purple pinwheels with Mrs. Carignan and placed them under the ACT news board out front of the school!

Sunday, September 18, 2016

Nightly Reading / Book Bags

      We had a great first couple of weeks.  I love the enthusiasm from this group of kids.  Book bags for nightly reading have started to go home already.  This will be the only homework requirement for grade 2 this year.  PLEASE make a commitment to  making sure your child reads every evening at home.
     I really can't stress the importance of nightly reading enough.  

     Your child should be bringing home a book in their book bag every day.  CHECK BACKPACKS and remind your child to read.  He or she should read for at least 20 minutes EVERY night.  You should initial one box (no date necessary) after your child has read and then return the book bag to school EVERY day.  Only one box should be initialed on the weekend, even though the expectation is that your child will read each day on the weekend.  Please understand that the initials and stickers are an incentive to get the books and book bags back to is NOT to keep track of how much the child has read.  It is expected that your child will read at least 20 minutes daily.  If your child forgets his or her book bag at home or at school, or if they miss school, then they will not receive an extra sticker if you sign two spots.  No worries.....every child gets a prize eventually.  Remember....the IMPORTANT THING IS THAT YOUR CHILD READS!  Thanks for your support!

Monday, September 12, 2016

Off to a terrific start in grade 2!

     We are off to a terrific start in grade 2!  In the first few weeks of school, we spend a lot of time getting use to routines and setting classroom rules.  Becoming respectful citizens of our second grade classroom is our social studies theme.  This includes respecting personal space when we are at our desks, sitting in the meeting area and even when we are in line to leave the classroom to go elsewhere in the building.
Practicing our STAR line 
   Renewing friendships and making new friendships is also part of being a citizen in Grade 2!
McKenzie and Maizy on the playground!

Thursday, September 1, 2016

Great Websites for Kids

Hi Parents!  There is a way you can access the websites your second grader is using at school!  Use this link:
Once you are on the home page, just sign using the Guest name sign in password: jeans

All of the sites listed can be played at home as well.  I try to update as I find new sites.  I will be sending home the Sumdog passwords soon.  This is a fun math site that the kids LOVE!  I also recommend and Elsa's Spanish site Ms. Carreno recommends for Spanish practice.  Have fun!